Thanks Gavin, I actually said quite a lot about that in the unedited interview, 600 “democratic” cities across the globe had 1.5 million protesters and no one paid them the slightest bit of attention. Li Wen Liang died of Covid after getting a minor warning for stepping out of line and the entire legislation around whislteblowers was changed, the family was compensated and the people who handled it badly in the first place were retrained and relocated. Which form of democracy is better?
We’re going to see it again in two different aspects in coming months, one will be a change of rules, punishment and apologies for a dead dog, the other will relate to a “missing” tennis player — I guarantee when these two incidents are properly and finally resolved, China will be in a different and better place — let’s review it in 6 months and see if I’m right!
By the same token, let’s see what happens in the United States over the next few days now that Kyle Rittenhouse has been acquitted. I know where I’d rather be…