Is the USA Experiencing a Nervous Breakdown?
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There’s a thing called the Victim Complex, it’s associated with mental health but, something I’ve started to notice is that it’s become part of the national identity of one country; the USA.
According to, people who play victim have no understanding of how it is to take responsibility for their own actions, they won’t take the blame and apologise when they’ve done something wrong. If they’re given advice, they’ll say, no that won’t work and find reasons why it won’t. They believe everyone else is out to get them and they are highly critical of others. That’s people, but let’s take a look at how this transposes to an entire nation.
Republicans are blaming Democrats for all their ills, which might seem fair because democrats are in power right now, but for 4 years, Republicans were in power, they had the same problems then. The problems are the same today, the blame game is being passed like a baton to the next player.
Hardly a single national problem in the USA has been resolved for years because one party lays the blame at the feet of the other party. But it isn’t just political, it’s in every aspect of society.
Right now, there is a very serious Domestic Violent Extremist problem in the USA, both the FBI and the White House say so. The cause of this plague of extremism seems to be that democracy has failed the people. If voting isn’t changing anything, peaceful protests aren’t changing anything then the options are getting limited.
BLM was a wave of left-wing protests and riots, while January 6th and associated events were a wave of right-wing protests and a riot that some say was an attempted coup. Both caused millions of dollars in damage, both led to loss of lives and both caused even greater crackdowns on freedoms in a country which prides itself on being free.
But the US doesn’t look for faults in its system that they can fix. They look for places to apportion blame; like TikTok
One of the major reasons for this rise in extremism, according to the FBI, is online radicalism and, while the US accuses China of restrictions of freedoms, the FBI is being used to pursue, arrest, prosecute and convict people for engaging in this online radicalism. Surely, fixing the problems that cause it would be a simpler solution and certainly restricting access to extremism online, as China does, would work but US feels that solution won’t work for them. Finding reasons why something would not work is a symptom of Victim Complex
USA has many gun deaths but gun owners want more guns, the anti-gun lobby want less guns. Astonishingly, in a clear snub to democracy, the anti-gun lobby has been increasing for years. Currently, 60% of all Americans want more gun laws, while only a declining 11% want less strict laws. Little wonder then that people are confused about the meaning of democracy but, on the theme of victimisation, each party is blaming the other, again!
According to some media, Trans people blame Democrats for not including them in the LBGTQ debate but the real truth is it’s a topic that has divided the country, mostly along political lines. Pew Research conducted a survey and found a majority of Democrats do support Trans rights, while the majority of Republicans say trans rights will be bad for the country. Needless to say, the Trans-rights issue is splitting the country and each party blames the other with the Trans supporters blaming society in general.
Interestingly, in China the only time trans rights are ever discussed is in conversations about how crazy the rest of the world is! Trans people in China don’t need protection, they have it under the law already, imagine that! In a country where there is no victim complex, special laws aren’t needed to protect special people, because the laws are protect everyone.
According to Pew Research, All US religions feel there is a reduction in religious freedom. Christians think their way of life is under threat and a wave of Christian nationalism has swept the country becoming highly obvious on January 6th. Jews are being attacked in synagogues, and followers of Islam are subject to hatred. Each segment of US religious society feels victimised and blames others.
In another example of Victim Complex. After 9/11 two entire Nations, Afghanistan and Iraq were blamed for this atrocity. Iraq was blamed by Bush, for something they hadn’t done and Afghanistan was invaded after the Taliban refused to hand over Bin Laden, without evidence. Carrying a grudge and refusing to move on is a symptom of Victim Complex and two wars, both lasting 20 years is definitely examples of this.
As far as can be ascertained, not one American has even as much as lost their job for this monumental failure in national security. Failing to take responsibility is also a symptom of a Victim Complex.
Victim Complexes are not new, Back in 1992, a journalist, Charles Sykes wrote about this in a book called: A Nation of Victims, the USA. It’s unlikely he’d even heard of, because he never mentioned, the LBGTQ+ debate he did however talk about gender inequality and the nature of American’s lack of self-reliance as well as the increasing number of people seeking therapy. That number has now risen to 42 million, that’s almost 15% of the country in therapy.
The US government wants us to believe that the plague of drug addicts and deaths are not a social problem they’re China and Mexico’s fault In 2020, more than 37 million people were illegal drug users, that’s a real plague but blaming others for this is a Victim Complex symptom.
Increasing homelessness and poverty are both major problems in the USA, caused because, many media and politicians, including Trump, would have us believe, China stole all the jobs; I heard someone on a livestream recently suggest that homeless people have a choice and they choose to be homeless. This is another aspect of how Victims pass the blame off on the people who really are victims, there’s plenty of academic research that defies this myth. Homeless people do not choose this lifestyle.
Two final symptoms of a Victim Complex are that they believe others are “out to get them” and they can’t hold friendships for a long time because they trust no one.
For 70 years the USA has led the world, they have been the economic, technological, academic and military leaders but that is changing and right now, they are bunkering down as the dollar is under attack, their International Community is reducing in size, their “friends” are looking elsewhere for less caustic relationships and their only way to prevent this is to start fights and it’s clear they trust no one because they even bug their allies’ communications.
There’s no doubt in my mind that the USA is subject to a national crisis — it has a Victim Complex and is in need of medical intervention It may be the first time in history that a country, not its people, has suffered a mental breakdown but that’s what we’re witnessing right now.