Hi Phil, thanks for the feedback I also sincerely hope that I’m wrong and I’m working on an “alternate ending” article for the same story now — it should be posted later today.
The real question is not: “will she come or not?”, the real question is how does the USA fit into it. If the HRC is really honest about human rights, (I believe most of them are, but the politics at the top stops a lot of good initiatives) then they need to investigate the USA first and foremost because the loudest accuser is actually one of the greatest abusers. My alternate ending is that, after four years without the USA being a member of the Human Rights Council, they have finally rid themselves of the influence of the USA and are now on a path to exposing them as a country that not only falunts their own laws but weaponises HR to accuse and reduce the power of others. If this is true, then the visit will go ahead, it will expose the US as liars and then the story to watch will be how much smear can the USA put on HRC and how easy will it be to discredit them and particularly Michele Bachelet.
More later… Should be posted in a few hours