Today, I just have a couple of questions to put to you. Let me know in the comments what you think and please, remember to like and subscribe but most importantly of all, please share my videos so we get the message out there
Here are my questions
How do you abbreviate the Communist Party of Vietnam? It’s the CPV

How do you abbreviate the Communist Party of the UK? It’s called the CPB, as in Communist Party of Britain

How do you abbreviate the Communist Party of the USA? It’s the CPUSA

Do you notice something about these abbreviations — In all cases the Communist Party is named before the country it represents and that’s as it should be. So, why then do so many people insist on calling the Communist Party of China the CCP — it’s often because they just didn’t know this but, if they continue to do so after having it pointed out to them, then there are probably other reasons.
Even Canada has a Communist Party, it’s known as the CPC there too.

Intelligent people know when a mistake is made and pointed out to them that they need to correct it.
That’s how we separate ignorant people from intelligent people. If an intelligent person knows they’ve said or done something wrong, they apologise, correct their mistake and then they move on. If they choose not to correct their mistake, I’ll let you decide what to do about them. In my case, I won’t engage anymore, I’ve obviously corrected an ignoramus who for his or her own reasons, chooses to perpetuate the error.
It might be because they are genuinely not intelligent and weren’t aware enough of the error. In which case, I don’t really want to debate with them on any level because they clearly can’t think critically and wouldn’t be interested in reading any of the government or academic information I put forward to support arguments.
I don’t like to say someone is stupid because it’s not a nice thing to say about anyone but the following examples might easily fit into the definition.
They just hate Communists and they want to continue the insult
They might hate China and or Chinese people and want to continue with the insult
I’ll never find out which is it because, if they hate the Communist Party of China and want to continue with the insult then I don’t want to debate with them because they are obviously bigoted people.
If it’s because they hate China and Chinese people; I won’t debate or discuss an issue with someone who is clearly racist.
If someone genuinely didn’t know this and, after being told, is big enough to accept there was a mistake and correct it, I’m happy to enter a debate about how well the Communist Party of China runs the country, how popular the CPC is and I’ll even discuss why they are so popular in an attempt to turn this person around with facts, figures and proven information.
There’s so much misinformation about China that I understand that some people hate China or the CPC, I really do. I have no problem at all with discussing and debating information I know to be true, supporting it with proof in an effort to help someone who has been misinformed. But I’m not going to waste my time on a racist, a bigot or someone too stupid to correct such a simple point.
I’ve had a few people tell me I’m not open to debate because I block them and that’s certainly true, I do block people — I won’t debate with anyone who has only name calling or insults to offer. Ask a genuine question in good faith and we can discuss it. I post articles with every video I make. One reason is to help non-native speakers read along and follow easier, the other is to support my facts, my figures or my stories.
If something there is wrong, point it out and I’ll make corrections. If you have alternate information, post it and give me a source, I’m open to new information, I could be wrong. That’s what debate and discussion should be all about.
I’m very happy I’ve put this out there in the open because I know no one will watch this and ask about the CCP. Clearly, anyone who does is just labelling themselves as one of the above definitions and no one wants to be viewed as an intellectual minnow, a racist, a bigot or a stupid person. Do they?