Australia’s Most Famous Spy… Not

Jerry Grey
5 min readMay 5, 2023


See a vide of this article here:

I have a rule of thumb when it comes to Chinese media and that is: whatever Chinese media tells us, can be accepted as true. Whilst saying this, it’s also fair to report that Chinese media will not always give the entire story, they will omit information they view as sensitive, disturbing, obscene or which might lead to public dissatisfaction

In essence, with Chinese media, we get the truth but not the whole truth. After almost two decades living in China consuming and even contributing to this media, I’ve never yet been able to catch them in a lie. This is not something I can say for most Western countries’ media where I can find misinformation on a daily basis; particularly in reference to China.

What this means, as far as Western media consumers are concerned is that, if there’s smoke in relation to something concerning China, and the smoke emanates from a real fire, Chinese media will completely ignore it. Where reports are nothing but unsubstantiated allegations, China will defend itself and prove the allegations wrong.

When they do so however, the rhetoric in mainstream media is overwhelmingly anti-China so most people don’t believe what China reports, the usual comment are something like: Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they! But, this theory, of China lying to cover up, falls over when the evidence is examined and when it’s tested by time.

In 2019, former SAS officer, and current MP, Andrew Hastie in Australia, was informed of a potential defector from China. Hastie, who is a founder member of the Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China, is outspoken in his distrust of China making him a perfect target for Wang Liqiang, a criminal looking to escape Chinese justice and seek political asylum by pretending to be an important part of a security organisation.

Initially, Hastie, according to reports, decided to “hand it off to the intelligence services”. Which, if he had done, would probably have been the end of the matter, they would have investigated, discovered the man was a fraud and then probably have sent him back to China to face the suspended sentence, China, in their (truthful) reports, stated that he needed to face.

Apparently, for Hastie, this was too good a propaganda opportunity to miss, instead of leaving it to the experts, the entire affair ended up as a media circus. A Channel 9, 60-Minutes show aired on 24th November 2019, and the world saw, or thought they saw, a repentant Chinese spy who could no longer live under the yolk of oppression his evil government had forced him to live under!

For a few days, the papers were full of this story, it was alleged that there had been all kinds of corruption, kidnappings and even murders organised by Wang, the new darling of mainstream media. But then, as fast as it started, it was over, he disappeared.

The ABC reported a video of a Chinese court case in which Wang was convicted of fraud. Suddenly, what Chinese media were saying turned out to be the same as official Chinese court documents were showing. ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) also made a statement reported in The Australian on the 29th November, that Wang was not what he purported to be.

An ASPI “expert” declared that the Chinese media’s fraud case couldn’t be true because Wang applied for a police background check to obtain a visa for Australia but that’s not true — Chinese citizens applying for an Australian visa do not need a police background check. They need to provide evidence of funds, which is easy enough, as long as there are funds in the bank to support the trip, a tourist visa, which Wang was using, would normally be granted.

Last week I said that UK’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverly had not been so clever, this week, the story is that Andrew Hastie acted in haste, he jumped the gun on ASIO’s investigation and took a sensational story to the media which had not been confirmed as true and is now known to be based on a foundation of lies.

Wang has now been denied a visa to remain in Australia because he’s been caught defrauding, again! This fact is oddly very difficult to find in Australian media but reported in the UK’s Daily Mail. There were also media reports in 2020 suggesting that this fraud case is a CPC influenced plot to discredit Wang but they fail to explain how Wang has managed, without any job and whilst supposedly in hiding, on a tourist visa, to find assets of $3 million which have now been seized by the New South Wales courts. They also couldn’t predict that, on hearing all the evidence the New South Wales court would agree with the CPC that Wang is everything they said he was.

In January of this year, more than 4 years after appearing on 60-Minutes, Australia still does not know, because media hasn’t told them, that Wang never worked for the Chinese government, he never graduated from university, he has a history of defrauding people as reported in Global Times in December 2019.

Taiwan, where Wang stated he helped to interfere in elections, have arrested two of his alleged co-conspirators and found that there is no evidence to charge them with election interference or any other national security matter but, and here’s the really interesting part, they are refused permission to leave Taiwan pending investigations into… you guessed it, fraud. Taiwan’s former Director of military intelligence Weng Yanqing, declared Wang is “obviously not a Chinese secret agent…”

Australia’s Channel 9 still has the, now proven to be false, 60-Minutes “confession” video on its website and on its YouTube channel where it’s had 12 million views and 129k “likes”. The channel has however, turned off the comments, so it’s impossible to update the real story.

There are many who would love to believe that this entire case fell over because China disowned an asset but the overwhelming evidence proves, once again, that China didn’t lie about Wang, Wang lied about China. And, by refusing to update the truth, Channel 9 are now lying about China too.

What will happen to Wang is, as yet unclear. His visa has expired and he is not likely to be allowed to remain in Australia. He could be sent to Taiwan where his co-conspirators are under investigation, he could be returned to HK where he would probably face charges for entering illegally on his way to Australia Or Australia could return him to China where, despite his claims, he would not be executed. China executes murderers, rapists, drug dealers and real spies. Wang can look forward to serving his suspended prison sentence but China does not execute cheats and liars.



Jerry Grey
Jerry Grey

Written by Jerry Grey

I’m British born Australian living in Guangdong and have an MA in Cross Cultural Change Management. I write mostly positively about my China experiences

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